Wednesday, July 30, 2014

the health-industrial complex

The other day, my husband made a good analogy.

"Imagine that teachers in the US were just like doctors in the US," he said.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"Imagine that they limited the number of people who could enter their profession, and then said that because there is a limited number of teachers, they had to substantially increase the pay of all teachers.  And also that every year, there would be students who just wouldn't be able to enter school because there simply wasn't enough time or spots to accept all the students."

I think that just as Eisenhower warned of a military-industrial complex before he left the United States, the same may become true of healthcare in the U.S. before Pres. Obama leaves office.

Probably the health-industrial complex will grow, as it is now composed of the unhealthy channels existing between federal government; doctors who collaborate with the pharmaceutical industry (if this is not you, I exempt you), and finally the food industry.

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